Multi-Generational Family Vacations
Going on an adventure? Grandma and Grandpa want in!
One of the biggest travel trends over the last few years has been multi-generational family travel. Parents, grandparents and children are uniting as an adventurous family unit ready to explore the world.
When you look at the benefits of the multi-generation travel style, it’s not surprising that families are beginning to catch on. Spending time with loved ones, experiencing adventure, traveling to new destinations, creating amazing memories, educating kids about different ways of life – these are all the marks of a happy family.
To be real, finding family time isn’t always easy. With today’s rat race and hectic work schedules, parents are having a hard enough time spending time with their kids, let alone grandparents and extended family. It’s also quite common for families to be spread across multiple cities and countries. This reality brought challenges to the western world’s previous “staycation” travel trend by preventing the whole family from coming together easily.
For many families, the typical see the grandparents at the dining room table for Christmas dinner routine has run tired. Families want more from their time together, especially in a world of increasingly empowered grandparents. Adventure travel has become very accommodating to older generations. Flexible itineraries allow an older generation of active travelers to customize their perfect adventure. And if grandma and grandpa are doing it, why not the whole family!
U.S. Trust, a private wealth management sector of Bank of America, recently published survey findings that boomers are placing increased importance on spending their hard-earned money on their family while they can all enjoy it together. Family adventure travel fills this need with accessible excitement and togetherness.
Seeing family members in different situations and environments coaxes out hidden aspects of their personalities. Sure grandpa can tell you’re kids adventure stories of his youth, but sometimes you want to show not tell. It makes me smile to think about how much families are learning from each other as a result of this positive industry trend.
For inspiration on your multi-generational family vacation, be sure to check out our family adventure vacations for more ideas.